
Showing posts from March, 2017


The human body has two critical concerns : 1. To sustain excellent health - This is the task of the immune defense system, which the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, once referred to as the doctor within us. Interestingly, this mysterious aspect of our bodies has a direct need for cleanliness but not for food. That is precisely why whenever you are seriously ill, you lose appetite. Since your body is digesting very little or no additional food, no additional waste is generated. Therefore, the body has only whatever is already within it to flush out. If you help it in doing so, the resulting improvement in your internal cleanliness helps the immune defense system (i.e. your internal doctor) to work more effectively and faster in restoring you to good health. This is why fasting that is done correctly is routinely used in many health spas all over the world in successfully treating various lifestyle diseases that have been given up as terminal or hopeless by orthodox (i.e., al...


The Functions of Our Skin The skin is the outer clothing that wraps us. It is the largest organ we have and its several functions include the following: 1. It protects us from harm, when various objects hit us or when we hit ourselves against them. 2. It regulates our body temperature through contracting when the weather is cold or expanding and perspiring when the weather is hot. 3. Through perspiration that may be visible or invisible to us, the skin is continuously sending pollutants and other waste material out of our bodies. 4. It is a mirror that summarizes the results of various processes taking place in all organs of the body. Through various changes in its characteristics, it summarizes several important conditions within us. For example: a. Plants that are denied of sufficient water wilt. Similarly, when your body does not have adequate amounts of water, its various organs "wilt", as mirrored by your skin. A dry, coarse and wrinkled skin suggests any of sever...


In our so-called modern times, most treatments for diseases use increasingly higher levels and doses of technology than ever before . This includes the use of ever higher and more potent doses of drugs that are being churned out by a formidable pharmaceutical industry with its rapidly expanding variety of synthetic medications. The environments in which we now live are the most dangerous to human health and survival that man has ever created. One result is that an increasing number of people, including some in the medical profession, suffer chronic diseases that stubbornly refuse to  respond favourably to all types of conventional treatment. Indeed, some of these chronic disease conditions have often been caused by excessive use of chemically synthesized drugs and surgical procedures that are counterproductive or totally unnecessary. A person need not immediately or speedily fall ill from the adverse effects of taking in the increasing array of poisons and stress of modern living...


There are two types of diseases that exist in the world. One group is ancient and includes all those that we get from bacteria, viruses, insect bites or we get directly from contact with the body fluids of infected animals. These diseases, such as malaria, cholera, typhoid, leprosy, sexually transmitted diastase (STDs), etc., that are more common in  underdeveloped countries than in the developed ones of the global North are called communicable, because we can pass them on among ourselves or from animals to us. The other set of diseases result from the lifestyle of the affected person and, therefore, stays only with him or her. This description, "lifestyle", already suggests that they are caused by a person's style of living, such as his diet, the manner he normally handles his mental challenges and the level of his physical activity. These diseases include constipation, arteriosclerosis (i.e., damage to blood vessels), hypertension, diabetes, piles (haemorrhoids), e...


Cholesterol is a very important fatty substance in our blood . Its several functions include: 1. Boosting the immunity of a newly born baby - hence the thick and yellowish looking milk that is the first to flow out of a mother's breast soon after giving birth. Babies denied adequate breast milk (i.e., between one and two years of breast feeding) risk being exposed later in their adult lives to suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), severe allergies and other serious health problems. 2. It is the basic element in the hormones in our bodies. 3. It is the vehicle for transporting certain vitamins that must be dissolved in fat (e.g., vitamins A, E, D and fatty acids). Much as cholesterol is critical for our survival, an excess of it in our blood creates various health problems. For example, the highest incidence of gallstones, gall bladder cancer and related gall bladder disease is found in people whose diets are high in cholesterol, saturated fats and related diets (e.g....


The sickle cell syndrome or condition is a disease that is common among people who have been exposed for centuries to falciparum malaria, such as those from Africa, Southeast Asia (including India), the Mediterranean area and parts of the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia. About 25% of Africans are said to have some form of this condition. It is caused by abnormal haemoglobin that a person inherits from both parents. Haemoglobin is the red clothing material of our blood cells that carries oxygen to all parts of our bodies. While the cells of a sufferer are hard, sticky and shaped like sickles, normal red blood cells are round in shape. Depending on the age and special circumstances that are unique to each sufferer, the present methods of treatment under expert medical supervision and advice include blood transfusions (for preventing recurrent strokes in children), bone marrow transplants (for children with severe sickle cell disease), use of iron supplements, daily intake of the vit...


If you keep forcing your heart to work harder than it should, it will react to the stress by gradually getting larger, as you get older . This is common for: 1. People engaged in certain types of physical activities such as competitive athletics, weight lifting and other physically-demanding sports. 2. People who are overweight. 3. People that regularly carry very heavy loads (similar to weight lifting), as happens among people in rural areas of developing countries. 4. A life of chronic dehydration and the heart therefore being forced continuously to pump thick or sticky blood makes this organ of most people to get larger as they get older. Enlarged hearts are relatively inefficient and can suddenly stop functioning. For this reason, heart seizure is a common immediate cause of death among the elderly and some sports persons. Some of the signs of a weak heart include the feet and legs becoming puffy or swollen or what is referred to in medicine as oedema of these parts. This t...


If you wish to stay healthy, then you have the following four courses of action that reinforce each other: 1. Do not introduce pollutants, poisons and irritants into the precious kingdom that is your body. 2. As much as you can, eat only natural, wholesome food, with the majority being fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods are the primary sources of energy and fuel that we need, in the form of glucose in our blood or its stored version, glycogen, in our liver and tissues. In addition, these food items have substances that disable various poisons in our bodies and, therefore, make them less harmful. It is no accident that almost all the medicines that humans used during millions of years came directly from vegetable sources. It was only recently that modern man started making synthetic copies and substitutes. Indeed, if you eat correctly, you would emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses (i.e. beans) and raw nuts. Your food would then be your medicine and your medicine ...


Our physical bodies evolved over a period of several million years into these beautiful creatures that we all carry about. Your unique personality or the real "you" is in fact a unique type of energy that uses your physical body only as a temporary home or as a set of tools and clothing. This physical body of yours starts life as a combined egg and sperm. The foundation or stem cells use the intelligence which they never lose to keep multiplying. This process stops only after they have designed you, first as a mini-human called a baby and eventually into your ultimate adult shape. As an adult, the work of these cells continues, although most of it is in terms of repairing and maintaining your body. Meanwhile, these cells always remember their initial job of disciplined multiplication. It is this that they regularly use to repair and renew various parts of our bodies. Unlike some of us, their memories are keen and never leave them! For this reason, any cell in your body can...


Within the past 100 years, our so-called modern life keeps drowning us in more pollution than humans have ever experienced. We live both dangerously and in constant danger. Of course, many adverse effects of living within this increasingly polluted environment show up sooner for some of us than others. Many of them are likely to linger and to adverse affect the quality of life on earth for several thousands of generations to come. Our modern conditions of living make it impossible for the average individual to flush out most of or even all of the pollution in his body, as can be done for a live tissue kept under laboratory conditions. However, this does not mean that you should be so fatalistic and overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the pollution problem. It would be wrong to assume that the average person is so powerless in reversing these degenerating conditions. Starting from your own level, you have the following choices that you can freely make: 1. To be more alert, careful a...


Every country has its own system of providing water to its inhabitants . The standards differ and it seems that each family will have to take additional precautions than automatically  drink the water supplied through public systems of delivery. There are various types of water, whether distilled or not, that are produced and sold in bottles, sachets and other modern containers by private firms. Occasional random tests in the US, Europe and elsewhere have found samples of some brands of marketed water used in the tests to be unfit for human consumption. Meanwhile, due to various reasons that we need not explore here, safety standards in many underdeveloped countries hardly exist for most of their citizens. This means that, for preserving your health and that of your family, you must take personal responsibility for the quality of water you use for drinking and cooking purposes. In many cases, as the earth is getting increasingly polluted, you may have to produce your own water of ...


Children are smaller versions of us, adults. Educate them to understand and to appreciate the benefits that they can gain and encourage them to make the habit of drinking ample amounts of water truly voluntary. If they are old enough to drink water all by themselves, they too can get into the act. However, the dose a child takes should obviously fit his age, size and other factors, such as his programme of activities. Let us assume that you start on a specified dose of total fluids that appears convenient and he can tolerate it. If he should feel thirsty later during the day, this is a signal that he should increase the dose. Thirst is a signal of a crisis that should be avoided. It is interesting to see how, as water cleans the body from within, it reduces or even completely gets rid of various allergies, as well as pimples and related skin blemishes that start affecting children after reaching certain ages.,  +234-8037108507 (Tex...


Most people take their health for granted and often consider this as secondary to their various social responsibilities. A lot of this arises from the fact that the human body is truly a miraculous factory that can take a great deal of sustained punishment. Then, as both age and persistent disregard for our health take their toil, most people belatedly get wiser and start showing the concern for good health that should all along have been a permanent habit. Obviously, any person who is not healthy can hardly discharge any social responsibility toward himself, his family or any other institution. Nonetheless, what an individual needs is a total daily intake of 4 litres of healthy fluids, with water having the largest share. However, we shall simplify this suggestion by sticking to increased intakes of water. This realistic assumption reflects the conditions of most poor people in the world. They can more easily adjust themselves to taking ample daily amounts of water but would have d...


It is best if the water you drink is about room temperature or warmer. Your digestive system, was not made to handle extreme hot or cold temperatures. For most of us, it is our teeth that first warn us that an item we are starting to eat or drink is either too cold or too hot to be sent down into us. If you persist and take those items, some enzymes of your body are then forced to come into action, either to increase the temperature of cold foods or decrease that of items that are too hot. This is why the substance that you have swallowed cannot maintain its original temperature for long. Let us imagine what happens when you take cold water or cold foods (such as ice cream, very cold juices. etc.). These shrink the blood vessels that they contact along the way, from your mouth right down into your stomach. Therefore, the capacity of these vessels to carry blood is suddenly reduced for a relatively short period. The sudden contraction of these vessels signals the heart to work harder...


Water is so important for life that you would not live for more than a week to 10 days without consuming it in one form or another. Yet, people have lived for more than 30 days without solid food. Indeed, we start life beyond the womb with a clear hint of the need to take in higher amounts of water than of solid food. Yes, the components of breast milk tell us that about 98% of it is water, while the remaining 2% is made up of various nutrients. Your body's two most important activities that end only with your death are as follows: 1. Keeping your entire system clean, so as to boost the effort of your immune defense system, i.e., your internal doctor, in its major task of keeping you healthy. This is where water has a major role, especially in our modern times with all types of pollution coming into us, as the most effective way of flushing toxins and related pollutants out of your body. That is why you can only live a few days, if you took in no water in some form, for example,...


The most important ingredients in soft drinks (i.e. sodas) include phosphoric acid, citric acid, malic acid, carbonic acid, erythorbic acid, refined sugar, synthetic sugar derived from coal-tar (for diet versions) and caffeine (to create addiction). A famous name brand of this variety of poisons is excellent for removing stains from vitreous china and toilets, removing rust spots, cleaning corrosion off car battery terminals, removing grease from clothes and blood stains from pavements. It can dissolve teeth, bones and even nails, depending on how long any such item is left in it. In relation to health, soft drinks (yes, they make you soft) create a highly acidic environment within the digestive system and threaten to make the blood more acidic. The body is then forced to withdraw some calcium (which is alkaline in nature) from the bones and teeth, so as to restore the blood to its almost alkaline condition. These reactions tend to cause regular soft-drink consumers of all ages to d...