Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. It basically means inflammation of the joints. There are two main types of arthritis, namely Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. The former is more common and occurs mainly due to old age, over-exertion or injury. The latter affects both the young and old, and the symptoms come and go. Arthritis is characterised by pain, swelling, stiffness, and, at times, deformity. MANAGEMENT OF ARTHRITIS In treating arthritis, the aims are: 1. To strengthen the bones 2. To repair damaged joint tissues 3. To strengthen the weak joint tissues 4. To strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses Diet is very important in achieving these aims. Processed or refined food and drinks like sugar, biscuits and ice cream should be avoided. Likewise smoking, coffee and alcohol. Take plenty of water, especially first thing in the morning. NATURAL REMEDIES For a small gift of $31 or N4,950, l w...