

Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. It basically means inflammation of the joints. There are two main types of arthritis, namely Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. The former is more common and occurs mainly due to old age, over-exertion or injury. The latter affects both the young and old, and the symptoms come and go. Arthritis is characterised  by pain, swelling, stiffness, and, at times, deformity. MANAGEMENT OF ARTHRITIS In treating arthritis, the aims are: 1. To strengthen the bones 2. To repair damaged joint tissues 3. To strengthen the weak joint tissues 4. To strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses Diet is very important in achieving these aims. Processed or refined food and drinks like sugar, biscuits and ice cream should be avoided. Likewise smoking, coffee and alcohol. Take plenty of water, especially first thing in the morning. NATURAL REMEDIES For a small gift of $31 or N4,950, l w...


Vitiligo (pronounced vit-ill-Eye-go) is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar patches also appear on both the mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose) and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball). The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white. CAUSES: The actual cause of vitiligo is not known, but doctors and researchers have several different theories. 1. There is a strong evidence that people with vitiligo inherit a group of three genes that make them susceptible to de-pigmentation. 2 The most widely held view is that de-pigmentation occurs because vitiligo is an auto-immune disease;  a disease in which a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organs or tissues. 3. Finally, some people have reported that a single ev...


The sun is needed for life. If you do not spend time in the sun, you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free. If you are sick, one of the things you must do is to get out in the sun. The sun itself can  cure disease. Every living thing on earth, with rare exceptions, can not live without solar energy from the sun. There are rare exceptions of course.  The human body needs sunlight to function at optimal levels and  to be healthy. Without sunlight, a whole lot physical abnormalities and diseases become prevalent. The sun can prevent disease. For example, the natural cure for depression is simply to  get some sunlight. One of the things the sun does is to draw out toxins from the body to the skin. It also stimulates cell re-growth, which actually makes you look younger and keeps you wrinkle free. The reason why people who spend long hours in the sun tend to have dried-out skin is because t...


It is absolutely vital to get proper amount of sleep and have your body fully rested if you want optimal health, optimal energy levels, and to lose weight. Your body needs time to rejuvenate and recharge. The ideal time to sleep is to go to bed at 10 pm and arise by 6 am. There are several reasons for this. The cycles of the earth's rotation around the sun and moon  causes the body to rest better during these hours than at any other time. This is why people who work night-shift have been shown to be more depressed,  more over weight, more tired, and have more illness and disease than other people. Also, the body secretes healing hormones during the times between 10 pm and 2 am. Therefore, if you are a person that goes to sleep very, very late, you are not giving your body the proper amount of hours it needs to secret hormones that will rejuvenate, recharge and refresh your body. The three fundamentals of rest and sleep are: 1. When you go to bed. If you go to bed...


* INCREASED OXYGEN  TO THE CELLS: Oxygen is needed for life. Most people are deficient in the amount of oxygen they have throughout their bodies. Viruses and cancer, for example, cannot exist in an oxygen-rich environment. An oxygen rich body is an alkaline body. An alkaline body is a body where disease and illness cannot thrive. * MOVEMENT OF LYMPH FLUID: The lymphatic system is an important element in the elimination process. Many people have a lymphatic system that is dangerously clogged and sluggish. Moving the body as it was intended increases the movement of lymph fluid through the body, assisting with the elimination of toxins. * CELL STIMULATION: Every cell in the body produces toxic waste. Every cell in the body needs stimulation in order for toxic waste to be eliminated. Every cell in the body needs stimulation to remain healthy and thrive in a normal way. If  a cell does not eliminate  the toxic waste it produces and does not receive...


Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. We have been brain-washed into believing that it is natural for a human being to get colds and flu, have aches and pains, and have major medical problems like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. We are also brain-washed into believing that it is 'natural' to take drugs. We are programmed to believe that it is normal and natural to take drugs and that we 'need' drugs in order to be healthy. Now, consider this - animals in the wild , such as chimpanzees, do not get sick! They do not get diabetes, cancer, heart disease, asthma, heartburn, arthritis, etc. Animals in the wild do not take drugs. They don't go to health club to work out. Yet without drugs, medical visits, surgeries, or formalized exercise routines, animals in the wild virtually have no disease or illness  and some of them live three to five times longer than human beings. The point is, you do not have to get sick. Being sick is not ...


In this post, l will outline simple steps you can take that will allow you to lose weight and keep it off. These steps also have tremendous health benefits. 1. DRINK ONE  GLASS OF CLEAN WATER FIRST THING IN THE MORNING: This will help to start the body's metabolism and cleansing. 2. EAT A BIG BREAKFAST: A good percentage of slim people eat a big breakfast while the reverse is the case with a lot of fat people who typically eat little or no breakfast. Quite an irony you might say. 3. DRINK AT LEAST EIGHT GLASSES OF CLEAN WATER EACH DAY: People think drinking water will make them gain weight and be bloated. The exact opposite is true. If you are overweight, you need to flush the toxins from your fat cells. Water is absolutely needed for you to lose weight. 4. WALK FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR, NON-STOP, EACH DAY: The body is designed to walk. Research shows that slow, rhythmic  exercise such as walking, resets your body's set weight point and creates a ...


If you want to get rich, write a book on how to lose weight. A lot of people are obsessed with losing weight. Below are the  fundamental reasons why you are fat. 1. LOW METABOLISM: This means that for some people, even if they  eat only small amounts of food per time, their body will not burn  off the food very quickly. Instead, the food will be converted into fat in the  body. If you had a really high metabolism, you could eat large amounts of food and it wouldn't turn into fat in your body. My wife is a classic example in this regard; she has a very healthy appetite but never adds much weight. So, the number one reason why a person may be fat is because of low metabolism. But what exactly is metabolism? In simple terms, there are certain organs in the body that regulate how your body burns food for fuel and how it converts food into fat. These include the thyroid, pancreas, liver, small and large intestines, and the colon. A low metabolism invariably means tha...


The essence of this article is to provide information on how to potentially eliminate  illnesses or diseases we may currently have, and to prevent any illness or disease in the future. This information will also enable us to potentially slow down the aging process. Keep in mind that the writer is not a medical doctor. If you are currently being treated by a medical doctor, make sure they are informed as to what you intend to do. I cannot diagnose or treat anyone's medical conditions. The information presented here is strictly for educational purposes only. Trully healthy people are full of energy and vitality, and never have to take any prescription or non-prescription drug because they never have symptoms that would require them to take a drug. So, in reality virtually everyone of us is unhealthy to some degree. It is hard to find a trully healthy person. The good news is that we can do something about it. In general terms , the way to eradicate illnesses and diseases  a...


" Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity" -World Health Organization. Are we sick because of germs, bacteria, virus or genetics? Lets think about it. You don't catch cancer. Your body develops cancer. You don't catch diabetes. Your body develops diabetes. You don't catch obesity. Your body becomes fat and obese. You don't catch heartburn or acid reflux, as it is called today. It is developed. You don't catch headaches, back pain or arthritis. These are all 'medical conditions' that are developed in the body. You don't catch them. It is not a germ. It is not a virus. It is not a bacteria. The majority of  illness is in fact self-afflicted. Drugs are not the answer. You don't have a headache because of an aspirin deficiency. The question is , why do human beings have so much illness? First of all you have to realize that being sick is not normal and it is ...