Due to its multiple health and cosmetic benefits, Aloe Vera is considered a miracle plant. It has anti-oxidant and restorative properties, which keep the main organs of the body healthy and prevent diseases. Aloe Vera enhances the condition of the skin and is non-toxic, with virtually no side effects, provided the Aloin has been properly removed by pressing. COMPOSITION OF ALOE VERA The power of Aloe Vera lies in its composition, which includes most of the vitamins, enzymes, sugars, amino acids, saponins and lignins. MEDICINAL USES OF ALOE VERA * Aloe Vera releases Pepsin, which aids digestion, soothes digestive tract irritations, colic pain and ulcers. * Aloe Vera acts as a general tonic, raises immunity and fights disease. * Aloe Vera boosts circulation, and increases the supply of oxygen to the cells. * Aloe Vera detoxifies the body, and is considered a good colon cleanser. * It reduces blood sugar and controls diabetes. * Aloe Vera reduces c...