So how can you make the most of your business's Twitter presence? Like any other medium or platform, growth for your business on Twitter comes from publishing consistent, high-quality content! Namely, you’ll have an advantage if you are:
Tweeting consistently
Tweeting about a consistent topic (or related topics)
Engaging in conversations around those same topics
The median Twitter user tweets once per month, while the most prolific users tweet 157 times per month, according to Pew Research. In fact, the top 10 percent of Twitter users account for 92 percent of the tweets on the platform.
One hundred fifty-seven tweets per month would be about five tweets per day … doable, but a lot! The point is, even if you’re tweeting once or twice per day, you’re standing out to the Twitter algorithm.
The more you tweet, the more impressions you’ll receive, and the faster you’ll grow!
You’ll get more impressions the more your tweets are “retweeted.” The retweet is much more powerful than a “like” from your followers.
And the more you tweet, the more likely you are to create something that resonates!
Another recent change to the Twitter algorithm is expanding the reach of tweets beyond someone’s followers. Twitter will now display tweets from accounts that people you follow have engaged with – even if it wasn’t a retweet.
This is a huge opportunity for your business, because it means more exposure to people who are not yet following you on Twitter.
But, again, the key is consistency in what you talk about about frequency in creating new tweets.
The Twitter “Community” Opportunity
One of the best ways to consistently engage in conversations around your topics of interest is by integrating into different Twitter Communities.
You'll likely read references to “Marketing Twitter” or “Community Twitter” or “VC Twitter.” These phrases refer to Twitter “Communities” that are ideas but not official things to follow or engage.
These communities tend to form organically as individuals identify themselves as interested in certain topics and discussions. “Community Twitter” refers to the people on Twitter talking about Community-related topics. These communities are all relatively small, and you can find yourself inside the community simply by following the accounts actively tweeting about that topic.
Sometimes, people create Twitter Lists of the key accounts active in communities.
By following a reputable List, you'll quickly experience what that Community is like. And by ingraining yourself in a community, you’ll build relationships and credibility within that space.
Creating Your Own Business Twitter Community
A recent Twitter trend involves helping create community and showing belonging through the use of emojis.
This was made popular in the 2020 US Presidential race when candidate Andrew Yang encouraged his followers to use the blue hat 🧢 emoji next to their names to show they were supporting the campaign.
We’ve seen this enter the business world too, and the team at Morning Brew encouraged their team to add a coffee mug emoji ☕️ to their names. Now, when you’re scrolling Twitter and see the coffee mug emoji, you may start to assume that the account is a Morning Brew employee.
But we see it in communities too. Recently, Dickie Bush created a 30-day writing community called Ship 30 for 30. As part of his onboarding to the program, he encourages people to add the ship 🚢 emoji to their names to show that they are participating.
These visual cues are a powerful way to create community, connection, and belonging.
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