The prevalence of fibroids, breast cancer and infertility among our women today is alarming. What do we do? Are we to fold our hands and watch our sons and daughters die in pain and desperation? Or are we to once again sit lazily and wait for western thinkers to help us find the solution?
Whenever I think of onion and its many health benefits, I cannot but wonder at the mystery of life. Onion is among the commonest vegetables around. It is available in every home all the year round. Have you ever heard of shortage of onions? And because our women can hardly cook without using onion, we take it for granted. It is time we overcome the sickness called ignorance. Blessed are you among other vegetables, Onion! Onion that is ever available. You that can make both men and women cry. Any wonder then that hired mourners use you to induce tears? Some house wives confided in me (please keep this to yourself o!) that whenever they needed a favour from their husbands; they would peel onion to induce tears so as to win the sympathy of their husbands! Onion is a common name for many plants of the genus allium of the lily family:
The true onion is allium cepa, wild onion is allium vineate, leek is allium ampeloprasum, garlic is allium sativum. Onions were originally grown in Iran and the Middle-East before they now spread to other parts of the world, especially the tropics. Onion is made up of 60% aflylpropyl disulphide, a volatile oil called sulphured glycosides. Onion also contains the following enzymes: sulphur, iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, manganese and phosphorus. It also contains vitamins A, B, C and E, flanovoids (anti-cancer) and gly-coquinine (anti-diabetic). Onion is regarded as a versatile vegetable because it can be eaten in many ways: raw, grated, boiled or pickled. It is used as flavouring or seasoning. The characteristic pungent taste of onion is due to the presence of the volatile oil, sulphurous.
THE MANY USES OF ONION ANTI-BIOTIC: Onion is one of the potent natural anti-biotics. It strengthens the immune system, thus helping to ward off common infections. For over nine years I have been recommending onion for many sick people and the results have been positive. Simply chew a bulb of raw onion every night. It's as simple as that. As a starter, you may take half a bulb instead of one bulb and gradually increase it to one bulb. Science has confirmed that Onion works powerfully against the following bacteria:
- Escherichia Coli, which causes intestinal dysbacteriosis and urinary infections.
- Salmonella Typhi, which causes typhoid fever.
- Shigella Dysenteriae, which causes bacillus dysentery.
- Staphylococcus & Streptococcus, which cause inflammation of the genital organs, damaged sperm cells, and skin infections and blemishes.
HYPOLIDEMIC: Onion has been proven to lower noxious cholesterol level in the blood. This is understandable when one considers the fact that Onion is rich in fibrinolytic substances that help to break up blood clots and to prevent coagulation. This makes Onion indispensable for many Nigerians who consume a lot of fat, palm oil and butter. Over-consumption of processed palm oil is partly responsible for cases of high cholesterol level in Nigerians today, thereby increasing the risk of heart problems. God has given us Onion as a remedy for this ailment.
ANTI-DIABETIC: Combined with other herbs, Onion has proved useful for lowering blood sugar. This hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic property of Onion is due to the presence of glycoquinine. Those who are afraid of developing diabetes because of the fact that their parents are diabetics should make friend with Onion, as it is a very good prevention against diabetes.
ANTI-TUMOUR: Onion strengthens the blood cells that protect the body against micro-organisms. If these cells are weak, the body becomes prone to viral infections, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, pneumonia and cough. Onion also destroys cancerous cells in the body. In Nigeria, cases of cancer, especially of the breast, are increasing daily. I wish to suggest that our women should take Onion as much as possible.
Onion will act as a good prevention against cancer as well as help in dissolving cancerous tumours. The prevalence of fibroids, breast cancer and infertility among our women today is alarming. What do we do? Are we to fold our hands and watch our sons and daughters die in pain and desperation? Or are we to once again sit lazily and wait for western thinkers and scientists to help us find the solution? Is it not true that the best remedies to our health problems are those that come from our environment? The challenge before us is big indeed. I therefore encourage you readers to help spread the Gospel of Herbal medicine to our fellow brothers and sisters. We must continue to pray and reflect together and explore deeper ways of finding solutions to the problems of the world.
ISOMNIA/STRESS: In our so-called hyper-active world, it is not surprising that the most common complain of modern man and woman is stress. But it is not only human beings that are stressed; the plants are stressed. The animals are stressed. The cosmos itself is stressed. Science has exploited the world's energy field in such a way that we are being negatively affected. Everyday, we are bombarded with electro-magnetic stress such as radio waves, microwaves, organs of the body: brain, eyes, liver and kidney to stress. The result is constant stress, tiredness and headaches that defy any medication. Electric shavers, television, mobile phones, computers, etc produce rays that are damaging to the system when exposed to them for a long time. These rays are so powerful that they create electro-magnetic fields that negatively affect the brain and even change the human cells. This could result in the growth of abnormal tissues and cells, leading to cancer, fibroids, and other illnesses.
It is in this regard that I wish to recommend the use of Onion to you. This may sound commonplace, considering the fact that most of us take onion as spices very often. However, the quantity we take is not enough to effect significant changes in the body. The recommended dose is to eat one whole bulb of raw onion every night.
Alternatively, you could blend four bulbs of onions with one litter of honey. Dosage is three dessertspoons three times daily.
Immune Booster
Nowadays, we have a lot of forces to contend with. We have the forces of nature, viruses, bacteria and parasites. The air we breathe contains so many unseen viruses, but not enough to overpower the immune system of the . Our immune system is able to cope with these billions of unseen viruses and bacteria.
However, by our own device, we have systematically weakened our immune system and thus exposed ourselves to hitherto unknown ailments. The electromagnetic energy spectrum radiates through nature: the seas, mountains, plants, earth and rocks. By living close to the land and nature, we receive this energy into our own energy fields and so are energized. However, as we build more highways, manufacture steel cars, build bridges, and make electronic gadgets, all of which absolve a great percentage of the universal energy field, we become prone to hitherto unknown and strange illnesses. While our bodies vibrate at a frequency as low as 35 or 40Hz, the electrical gadgets we use have a frequency as high as 250 Hertz (A Hertz is a unit for measuring the frequency of sound waves). It is no wonder then that we are physically weaker than our ancestors.
As human beings become more complicated and adopt the so-called modern, sophisticated mode of life, so also do our illnesses such as persistent headaches that defty all medications, prolonged arthritis, nervous disorder, character disorder, persistent weakness and tiredness, low sperm count in men and general infertility in men and women. It is therefore necessary to put great emphasis on strengthening our immune system.
The best way to do this is to take a second look at our lifestyles. What do we eat, how do we eat, where do we sleep, which kind of water do we drink and what kind of thoughts do we think? All these are very important to our health. Eating one bulb of onion is a good way of keeping our immunity strong and healthy.
Other Benefits Of Onion
Onion purifies and strengthens the liver and the kidney and as well as cleanses the blood. Onion is a good remedy for hepatitis, which is becoming common in Nigeria these days. Do you suffer from resistant typhoid fever, inability to sleep well, low sperm count? Try Onion and see the difference it makes! Onion has been of help to men who experience weak erection or low libido. On many occasions I have recommended Onion to women who experience premature menopause and annovulation (inability to ovulate) and the results have been encouraging. Indeed, God has arranged nature to take care of all our needs. In cases of sickle cell anemia, onion has been of invaluable help. Onion is rich in enzymes, which helps in the production of blood. Onion contains iron and trace elements, which are often lacking in sicklers.
In summary, everybody who wants to look and feel healthy should make friend with Onion and take it everyday. Some people do not eat onion because of its pungent smell. However, Onion is less pungent than garlic and is more tolerated. Sometimes what we need to change are our attitudes to these gifts of nature. I pray that we may continue to make use of the blessings of nature for our own good.
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