
Showing posts from October, 2018


There is healing in power in the sound you hear. In the beginning was Thought. Thought became Desire, and life came into being, for where Desire is, there is life. Where there is no Desire, there is no life. Desire became Allurement, and Love came into being, for where there is Allurement, there is Love. Where there is no Allurement, there is no Love. Love became Word. From Word came the primordial Sound by which the world was created and is sustained. Creation Through Sound The world was created through sound. The world can be understood only through sound. Sound is the master key to unraveling nature's mystery. The big bang theory of the evolutionist school of thought maintains that at the beginning, the world was a huge ball of fire. Then, suddenly, this ball of fire exploded with great ferocity. It was a tremendous bang. The ball of fire scattered in all directions. Thus the world came into being. This primordial sound still resounds at the heart of cre...


Waterleaf, (Talinum triangulare), is one of those underrated and undervalued plants in Nigeria. Some even regard waterleaf as a nuisance, a stubborn weed that grows all year, though it flourished more during the rainy season. Like the grasses in the fields, we match over them, urinate over them, and uproot them from our gardens, in preference to other plants which we consider more important. However, the more we weed them out, the more they grow again, as if in defiance. If you are one of those who cares for your health, who are not satisfied with just being alive but being well, then you should read this write-up carefully.  I make bold to say that waterleaf is of the most valuable healing herbs in nature’s pharmacy. As is usually the case, the best and most useful things in life, are cheap, available and accessible. Name them: air, sunshine, sleep and good vegetation. Because they are cheap and readily available, we tend to take them for granted. As I have said on man...


 The prevalence of fibroids, breast cancer and infertility among our women today is alarming. What do we do? Are we to fold our hands and watch our sons and daughters die in pain and desperation? Or are we to once again sit lazily and wait for western thinkers to help us find the solution?  Whenever I think of onion and its many health benefits, I cannot but wonder at the mystery of life. Onion is among the commonest vegetables around. It is available in every home all the year round. Have you ever heard of shortage of onions? And because our women can hardly cook without using onion, we take it for granted. It is time we overcome the sickness called ignorance. Blessed are you among other vegetables, Onion! Onion that is ever available. You that can make both men and women cry. Any wonder then that hired mourners use you to induce tears? Some house wives confided in me (please keep this to yourself o!) that whenever they needed a favour from their husbands...


Charcoal-eating is one of the earliest forms of medication in history. Charcoal has an incredible capacity to adsorb (bind monotoxins and endotoxins into itself). Charcoal can adsorb up to 200 times its own weight. Most animals eat charcoal, especially from recent bonfires. Monkeys are among the greatest consumers of charcoal in the animal kingdom. This is quite understandable when one considers the fact that monkeys eat a lot of Terminalia Catappa (Indian almond or fruit tree) and Mangifera indica ( Mango). These two plants have a high concentration of phenols and other toxic alkaloids, which could poison the monkey. Wonder Charcoal A person who drinks a high dose of the infusion of matured Terminalia or Mango leaves is in danger of being poisoned. But charcoal has the capacity to adsorb these toxins and deactivate them. In East Africa where elephants still live close to human habitation, it is not uncommon to hear of elephants invading a village or compound and car...


Carrot, daucus carota, is a well-known household vegetable. Carrot is native to Eurasia and northern Africa. It belongs to the umbelliferae family of plants, and grows up to 80cm high, with tiny leaves. Both the plant and the root are referred to as carrot. A biennial plant [lasts only for two seasons], carrot grows very well in its first season and stores a surplus of food in its root, which becomes big, fleshy and large and orange coloured due to the presence of carotene. In the second season the root becomes woody and less nutritious and delicious. As early as 1500 BC, the skin friendly effect of carrot was well known. Carrot is the cosmetic herb per excellence. Its skin-friendly property is due to the presence of provitamin A. The root contains pectin, a glycosidic substance with absorbent and ant diarrheic actions. It also contains potassium, phosphorus and essential oil. Its peculiar aroma and vermifuge effect are due to the presence of essential oi...


Diabetes is one of the commonest diseases in our society today.  It used to be regarded as a disease of the rich and affluent.  But now, it affects even the poor, no thanks to modern civilization and urbanization. Symptoms of Diabetes If you do not have the illness called diabetes, then be happy.  And be sure you do all you can to prevent it, for prevention is better than cure.  The symptoms of diabetes are many and varied.  At the earliest stage, diabetes does not show any symptom. In many cases, the disease is diagnosed accidentally when undergoing check-up for other complaints. The following are some of the symptoms of diabetes:  Poly-urea:  This means excessive urination. This constant urination is the commonest sign of diabetes.  Because of the high level of sugar present in the urea, it tastes very sugary.  If you find yourself urinating very frequently, check if your urine is sugary.  Do this by tasting ...


B lood pressure is the amount of pressure that is exerted on the arteries of the body as the blood circulates on the arteries of the body as the blood circulates round the system. The human body is so constituted that there must be a balance between the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart and the amount of blood pumped out into the aorta. When the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood vessels is consistently and abnormally high, it is called hypertension, when it is consistently and abnormally low, it is called hypotension. The human blood pressure varies during the course of the day. The blood pressure goes up during physical exercise, or while doing serious brainwork or if one is excessively worried. The blood pressure is at its lowest during sleep. The only reliable way to measure the blood pressure is by using the sphygmomanometer. The best time to measure the blood pressure is in the morning, shortly after rising. A blood pressure of 135...


Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. The term "arthritis” comes from two Greek words, "Arthon" which means joint and "Itis", which means inflammation.  Arthritis, then, means inflammation of the joints.  There are over one hundred types of joint disorders, though they are all related.  They are characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness and, at times, deformity. Rheumatism is another word often used for arthritis.  However, its meaning is rather vague and means different things to different people.  In Nigeria, the term is used for various aches and pains in muscles and joints as well as for pains in general. What is a Joint? A joint is where two bones meet.  There are two categories of joints, namely: Immobile and mobile joints. Immobile joints : These refer to the inflexible and semi-flexible joints of the body. These joints do not move much as they have no cavity, for example, the head and spinal cord.  These joints are te...