There is healing in power in the sound you hear. In the beginning was Thought. Thought became Desire, and life came into being, for where Desire is, there is life. Where there is no Desire, there is no life. Desire became Allurement, and Love came into being, for where there is Allurement, there is Love. Where there is no Allurement, there is no Love. Love became Word. From Word came the primordial Sound by which the world was created and is sustained. Creation Through Sound The world was created through sound. The world can be understood only through sound. Sound is the master key to unraveling nature's mystery. The big bang theory of the evolutionist school of thought maintains that at the beginning, the world was a huge ball of fire. Then, suddenly, this ball of fire exploded with great ferocity. It was a tremendous bang. The ball of fire scattered in all directions. Thus the world came into being. This primordial sound still resounds at the heart of cre...