Human beings have been around for thousands of years. It can can safely be assumed that we spent most of this period, as animals in the wild do, walking about in search of food or shelter. Occasionally, we would sprint very fast either to escape from being preyed upon and eaten by some predator or to hunt game. This is type of environment in which we evolved the nature and structure of our bones, muscles, reflexes and other aspects of our present bodies.
Then suddenly, during a period of one hundred years or even less up to the present, a split second second in evolutionary time, the nature and content of our work and leisure activities have drastically changed. The most privileged of us now have lifestyles that afford us the luxury or even the disguised curse of being physically sedentary. Indeed, in many aspects of our lives, we have become no different from industrially raised chicken. After sitting for most of their brief lives, they can no longer walk. Similarly, except on sand or floors, most modernized people can hardly walk barefoot for hundred yards, even if this happened to be the only choice available for them to escape danger and certain death. We have speedily lost self-reliant abilities in doing many things. Instead, we increasingly depend on shopping in various markets for most goods and services. In the industrialized countries such as the United States and in Europe and even in some developing countries of Africa and Asia, you can use the internet to shop and pay for your groceries or whatever items which will be delivered at your doorstep. Similarly, a person can choose to remain stuck at home almost indefinitely because the TV, radio, internet, etc., enable him to work and get paid, get any information, entertainment, commit crimes, make friends, organize to marry or enjoy any service that he may desire.
Given the manner in which the human body evolved, each of its three parts (body, mind and soul) needs regular but appropriate stimulation and challenges. Specifically in  relation to your physical body, you should find ways of regularly giving it the right type of exercises that it needs to sustain good health.
Suitable Types of Physical Exercises
The most basic exercise available to each person who has no serious physical disability is the same age-old and time-tested one of walking. Just as must have happened to our ancestors, this is exercise that you can do daily until the last breath of your earthly life.
Therefore, you have a duty to get into the habit of regularly walking some distance each day. For example, you can walk either some distance before you take a bus or a taxi or leave your means of transport some distance away and walk the remainder to any destination that you regularly or even occasionally visit. If the circumstances permit, use a bicycle as often as you can as your means of transportation.
Swimming is one of the best types of physical exercise you can regularly undertake. Indeed, before you were born this was what you did most of the entire period you spent in your mother's womb. It has superior advantages over walking, because it gives you more balanced stimulation of all the muscles and joints of your body.
In addition to the exercises mentioned above, there are many normal activities around the home that you can do. These include cleaning, gardening and others. Even if you have help from machines or other people for some of these activities, you will be adding to your physical health and well-being, by doing some of the work yourself.
Whatever programme of physical exercises you decide to adopt, try to satisfy the following conditions:
1. Always begin any programme with modest physical exercise and then gradually increase their duration and variety. After a long period away from a previous vigorous programmed, avoid being deceived into thinking you can resume them at the previous levels of intensity or duration.
2. The more varied your physical activities, the greater the chances that you will be able to reach, massage and stimulate many more muscles, organs and other parts of your body.
3.Gradually develop a programme that you can keep adjusting and sustaining into your old age. Any exercise that you cannot sustain until your last breath on earth is not recommended, especially as one gets older. This effectively reduces your range of exercises to walking, swimming, and other less demanding exercises.
4. You should enjoy whatever you are doing. Otherwise, you will eventually be fed up with it or even become allergic to the routine and thereby give it up
As we get older,a chemical process of cross-linking that takes place in our muscles and ligaments makes them increasingly rigid. This causes them to lose their elasticity or rubber-like quality. In addition, our reflexes progressively become less alert and respond with less speed than during our much younger days. Therefore, being moderate and keeping a regular programme is the best rule.,

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