Your unique set of genes (nature), your culture (nurture) and your physical environment determine your own unique body rhythms such as your moods, when you feel sleepy or awake, when you get hungry or angry and just about every other aspect of your life. With reference to sleep, we need this form of rest for several reasons that include the following:
1. Our brains and various batteries in our bodies get recharged.
2. Members of the body's housecleaning team (liver, kidneys, bowels, etc.) have an opportunity to filter out waste material without being distracted and burdened by more food intake and various activities that are part of our normal wake state.
3. Our bodies have the opportunity to heal injuries and illnesses. This includes the replacement of lost cells or for growth, as happens with children, or in weight and size for adults who eat more than they should.
Some individuals require more sleep than others. For example, shortly after birth a baby needs more sleep to help speed its growth. This period eventually reduces for most of us as we get older. Most aged persons seem to require less sleep, for various reasons. Meanwhile, never forget that you are unique and without any duplicate. Therefore, the following broad pattern of hours needed for sleep may or may not apply to you:
          A newborn baby                         17 to 18 hours
         By age of 4 years                         10 to 12 hours
         By age of 10 years                       9 to 10 hours
         Young adult                                 7 to 8 hours
         Old adult                                     6 to 7 hours
Many conditions within your body and your physical environment influence whether you can sleep well or not. Some of these important factors include how physically tired you are, psychological stress, disease, pain, the quality and quantity of food that you may have eaten, the adverse effects of certain drugs and the presence or absence of noise and other distractions within your environment.
It also important for you to have a balanced diet, since diet plays an important role in your ability to sleep. If you eat poorly you would not have the right levels and combinations of various proteins. For instance, one role of tryptophan, a very important amino acid (i.e., a protein) is to enable your brain to produce enough of the neurotransmitter called serotonin among whose several functions is sleep-inducement when you are ready for it. Nonetheless, whenever you feel like taking a rest and can afford to do so, go ahead. If you have enough rest, you will not feel sleepy when you carry out routine duties that cannot be postponed.
Sleep is particularly important for making your brain truly rested. It would be more effective in doing its job of assessing conditions, arriving at the correct conclusions and passing on relevant instructions to other parts of your body. Avoid habits of drinking that make you wake up at night to urinate. Women sleep more lightly than men. Therefore, especially for them and persons with sleep disorders, waking up at night to urinate can cause them to start the morning with stress that could adversely affect the quality of their mental and physical activities for the entire day.
A certain amount of bodily fatigue can prepare you for sleep. It is for this reason that a person who has been resting most of the day and doing so for several days may have difficulty going to sleep. Never ever use sleep-inducing medications. Through occasional or repeated use, you could eventually be enslaved in drug-dependence. Ultimately even the increasingly higher doses you take will not bring you sleep. The same advice applies to pep pills that make you feel artificially awake. All these drugs and related artificial devices harm and distort the brain and other organs within your body. This is one sure way of eventually reducing yourself into a human vegetable while simultaneously speeding up your exit from earthly life.,

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