Aging is a process that anything undergoes between its beginning and its end. For humans, it starts when we are somewhat liquid during the early stages of pregnancy. Gradually in the aging process, the body becomes more solid as a human being develops and, at some point along the line, a baby is born. Its body is highly flexible. Progressively as it ages, this body keeps firming up for this child to subsequently sit up without falling over and later to be able to crawl, stand up, walk and eventually to do many more physically demanding activities.
At much younger ages, all parts of our bodies are relatively flexible. For example, the bones of little children tend to have "green-stick" fractures. For much older persons, the same bones can snap apart and as they further advance in age, the worse form of this problem is a disease called osteoporosis that occurs sooner in Europeans than in Africans.
The process of aging involves all parts of our bodies and our attitudes progressively become more rigid or stiff. We still do not know what made our ancestors of less than probably 80,000 years ago, live for centuries. From the accounts we have, Adam lived for 1,200 years.Various citizens of Babylon (now known as Iraq) lived for centuries. Examples include Noah who lived for more than 1,750 years; Enoch lived for more than 308 years and his son, Methuselah, did even better by living for 969 years.
It is tempting to dismiss these life spans as false or merely tall tales. But we should not forge that the same humans mapped out our solar systems, which our more modern facilities of telescopes and satellites have since confirmed as correct. It was certainly much easier for them to count the number of times a new moon appeared and, along with the changes in the seasons, the number of months in a year. Nonetheless, we still do not have any knowledge that we can use to repeat some of their feats in chemistry, architecture and in many other aspects of living.
For the meantime and from the little that we know, one has a choice of either speeding up or slowing down this aging process, even within the relatively short life spans of today. We know, for example, that a piece of muscle tissue or organ can be kept alive under laboratory conditions for centuries. This fact alone suggests some significant lessons on the aging process. One of these is that such a piece of live tissue is normally given correct nutrients, while all the waste it generates is effectively flushed out of it. The second lesson is that the "intelligence" in its cells is a limited type that is not organized to be used in choices of lifestyle.
Therefore, whether in ignorance or in awareness, the lifestyle that you personally sustain is a most important factor that will put you on the fast track or the slow one in the aging process. Your genes can be very useful for you. But that is not enough. Your lifestyle can either enhance  or swamp whatever genetic advantages you may have inherited from your parents. In this regard, the four most important aspects of any lifestyle are:
1. The nature of the air, food, liquids, medications and other substances that you send into your body
2 How you handle your thoughts, so as to avoid or drastically reduce stress
3. How effectively your body is able to flush out the wastes that it generates all the time
4. The types and level of your daily physical activities.,

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