The following are some of the several advantages of fasting:
1. Reduced waste build-up - Obviously, if you are sending no solid food into your body, as happens when you engage in a fast, your body would also drastically reduce the production of related solid wastes. The energy you are saving will then be used to bring you to good health. Incidentally, whenever the body is under stress from illness or from psychological strain (such as anger, hate, fear, depression, envy, jealousy), the energy within you is misused in producing more wastes or poisons.
2. Strengthened immune defence system - It is your body that heals you and your doctor presents you a bill and takes the cash. What your doctor does is to make your wound or some aspect of your body cleaner and thereby assists your immune defence system (i.e., your internal physician) to take care of the healing process. You help in cleaning yourself through the fasting that illness induce.
An additional factor is that a fast makes your internal doctor sense a crisis that makes it keener and more alert. It is almost similar to your kingdom gearing itself up for war  to restore its health and integrity. The result of this charging up is that harmful organisms in you are easily destroyed and you are moved closer to restoring your good health.
3. Strengthened will power - Self-denial  of food improves  will power, because you ignore all the direct and indirect inducements to eat from friends and from other sources within the environment. Will power  is necessary for directing your energy toward achieving various objectives. People with less will power are easily subjected to various psychological, mental and emotional stresses.
4. Flushing more toxins out of your system - This advantage from fasting occurs if simultaneously:
a) you are drinking more water and
b) you are eating more fruits and vegetables for breaking your fast, or if these items are regularly large parts of your meals.
Scientists now confirm that eating enough fruits and vegetables disables various toxins in our bodies and through this, slows down the aging process. Additionally, this protects us from various medical conditions, including cancer.
While the fruits and vegetables reduce the level of pollution within you, the ample amount of water you would now be taking would be flushing more waste out of your body. You would then be cleaner and healthier inside than ever before. As a result of this cleanliness, your immune defense system would be much boosted and, as happens in many health spas worldwide, this could help cure you of many serious problems.
5. Attracting and keeping helpful organisms - Since life is symbiotic, the state in which you are maintaining yourself will enable you to invite more of similar conditions towards yourself,. Instead of attracting harmful viruses and related microscopic creatures, those that come or attach themselves to you will be the most helpful types. All these factors mean that your body defenses will be further strengthened to ward off any harm.
6. Rest and recharge - Each time you fast, you reward your digestive system with a well deserved occasional vacation. How do you feel after a good night's rest or after a true vacation? Optimistic and ready to take on the world? Well, your digestive system will have similar feelings of being briefly spared from its normal continuous toil. This period of rest renews and rejuvenates it. It will now be more efficient and effective in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Meanwhile, your entire body will also now be more effective in getting rid of more waste.
7. Increased chances of a fuller life - The cleaner, lighter in weight, healthier and more optimistic  you are, the higher the chances that your life will be long and fruitful. A long life is meaningless, unless you are fully able to exercise and enjoy all your desired physical, mental and emotional choices right up to the last breath of your time on earth. That is the way life and your eventual exit were meant to be.,

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