

Anaemia is not a disease. It is a condition in which the number of the healthy red blood cells falls below the normal level in the body. In this condition, blood is lost or destroyed faster than the body can replace it. The red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body. There the oxygen combines with food to release energy that the body needs to function properly. CAUSES  Insufficient production of red blood cells. This could be due to a faulty diet, lack of iron in the food, or lack of vitamins C and B. SYMPTOMS 1  Fatigue 2  Shortness of breath 3  Palpitations 4  Insomnia 5  Whitish fingernails 6  General body pains TREATMENT As in diabetes, diet is of vital importance in treating anaemia. 1   Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. 2   Avoid sugar and all sugar products, such as soft drinks and biscuits. 3  Take as much honey as possible. NATURAL REMEDY For a token sum of $31 or N4,95...


The kidney is a gland situated on either side of the vertebral column in the upper posterior abdominal cavity. FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEY 1  To produce urine 2  To regulate the supply of water in the body 3  To regulate the balance of salt in the system It is important to keep the kidney in good condition. Once the kidney is diseased, the whole system will also become diseased, because there will be an accumulation of waste materials which will poison the system. If the kidney is diseased, it will either produce too much urine (polyuria) or too little  (ologuria), or contain blood, or become inflamed. CAUSES OF KIDNEY PROBLEMS 1  Injury sustained through accident 2  Kidney stone 3  Infection or inflammation 4  Cancer 5  Diabetes 6  Wrong diet NATURAL REMEDY For a token sum of $31 or N4,950, I will send you the name of the remedy and how to derive maximum health benefits from its use. DOLLAR ACCOUNT 21st Century K...


Diabetes is one of the commonest diseases in our society today. It used to be regarded as a disease of the rich and affluent. But now, it affects even the poor, no thanks to modern civilisation, urbanization, and changes in lifestyle. But, what is diabetes? It is a metabolic disorder caused either by a deficiency of the digestive hormone Insulin or the inability of the body cells to use available insulin. In talking about diabetes, there is one organ in the body that requires attention. The organ is the pancreas. WHAT IS THE PANCREAS? The pancreas is an organ that excretes the hormone, insulin and pancreatic fluid, which contains enzymes involved in the digestion of fats and proteins in the small intestine. The pancreas, which is shaped like a human tongue, lies below and behind the stomach and in-between the two kidneys. It weighs about 100gms, and is made of small units called lobules. Each lobule consists of two groups of cells: the exocrine and the endocrine. The endocrine ...


Technically called apoplexy, stroke means the stoppage of blood supply to a part of the brain, leading to complete or partial paralysis. CAUSES 1  Untreated or undiagnosed hypertension. 2  A blood cloth in a part of the brain, blocking blood supply to the artery. 3  Clotting of the arteries. 4  Bursting open of a blood vessel in the brain. SYMPTOMS 1  Breathing becomes difficult 2  Skin becomes wet and sticky to touch. 3  Speech becomes difficult and inaudible. 4  Paralysis of part of the body from head to foot or the whole body. 5  Unconsciousness. PREVENTION 1  The best way to prevent strokes is to control your blood pressure. Anyone who is forty years and above should consider himself/herself a potential hypertension patient and should take all necessary precautions. Check your blood pressure at least once a week. 2  Take as little salt as possible. 3  Cultivate a positive attitude to life. Forgive thos...


Migraine is a persistent headache that is often localised to one side of the head. It is commonest among adolescents between 10 and 20 years old. Migraine tends to be more common in women than in men. SYMPTOMS 1  Loss of sensation in the limbs. 2  Persistent headache for hours or days. 3  Vomiting and nausea. 4  Nasal irritation and peculiar smell PREVENTION 1  Listen to your body. Avoid foods that your body does not want. Note if your headache follows the consumption of a certain kind of food. If so, avoid such foods. 2  Avoid alcoholic drinks, especially at night. 3  Avoid taking heavy meals at night. If you cannot take your supper before 7:30 p.m., skip it. TREATMENT Endeavour to drink 3 or 4 cups of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Avoid drinking water during meals,  or take as little as possible. NATURAL REMEDY For a gift of $31 or N4,950, I will send you the name of the reme...


T.B., as it is commonly called, is a communicable disease caused by MYCOBATERIUM TUBERCULOSIS. The bacteria spreads gradually in the body from the lungs to other organs such as the kidney, spinal cord, heart and bones. SYMPTOMS 1 Fatigue 2 Loss of weight 3 Heavy sweating at night 4 Coughing up blood-stained sputum. NATURAL REMEDY For a gift of $31 or N4,950, I will send you the name of the remedy and how to derive maximum health benefits from its use. DOLLAR ACCOUNT 21st Century Knowledge Centre Account Number 0038765415 NAIRA ACCOUNT Achunine Chidebe A. Account Number 3041601582 First Bank. Warm Regards. Chidebe., +234-8037108507


Depression is a form of mental disorder characterised by periods of prolonged sadness, gloom and negative feelings. The patient feels insecure, helpless, uncertain, lonely and discouraged. We all feel depressed to varied degrees from time to time. That is natural. However, when it occurs regularly and frequently and lasts for prolonged periods, it becomes a disoder. The sufferer finds it difficult to sleep and experiences a loss of appetite. Hobbies like reading, writing or walking becomes uninteresting. The person feels intensely lonely, yet does not wish to be with others. Thoughts of illness, suicide and death preoccupy the mind. CAUSES 1 Emotional stress. 2 Drug abuse 3 Heredity 4 Environment 5 Society. TREATMENT 1 Love and care. 2 Understanding 3 Seek help. NATURAL REMEDY For a gift of $31 or N4,950, I will send you the name of the remedy and how to derive maximum health benefits from its use. DOLLAR ACCOUNT 21st Century Knowledge Centre A...


Piles or hemorrhoids occur when  varicose veins form around the anus. When these veins are formed outside the anal sphincter, they are called external hemorrhoids  When they are formed inside the anal sphincter, they are called internal hemorrhoids. It is important to avoid refined and sugary foods like biscuits, ice cream and soft drinks if you come down with piles. Drinking up to four cups of water on an empty stomach every morning will equally help. NATURAL REMEDY For a gift of $31 or N4,950, l will send you the name of the remedy and how to derive maximum benefits from its use. DOLLAR ACCOUNT 21st Century Knowledge Centre Account Number 0038765415 Guarantee Trust Bank. NAIRA ACCOUNT Achunine Chidebe A. Account Number 3041601582 First Bank. Warm regards. Chidebe.,  +234-8037108507


Hepatitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the liver. There are five main hepatitis viruses referred to as Types A, B, C, D, & E. MODES OF TRANSMISSION * Types A & E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. * Hepatitis B, C, & D usually occur as a result of contact with infected body fluids. * Other modes of transmission include: receipt of contaminated blood products; invasive medical procedures using unsterilised equipment; mother to child transmission; and sexual contact. SYMPTOMS # Fever and abdominal pain # General weakness # Vomiting # Jaundice # Loss of appetite # Discolouration of urine to orange or dark brown # Whitish stool. NATURAL REMEDY For a gift of $31 or N4,950, I will send you the name of the remedy and how to derive maximum health benefits from its use. DOLLAR ACCOUNT 21st Century Knowledge Centre Account Number 0038765415 Guarantee Trust Bank. NAIRA ACCOUNT ...


Blood pressure is the amount of pressure exerted on the arteries of the body as the blood circulates round the system. The  human body is constituted in such a way that there must be a balance between the contraction of the left ventricle of the heart and the amount of blood pumped out into the aorta. When the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood vessels is consistently and abnormally high, it is called hypertension. And when it is consistently and abnormally low, it is called hypotension. The human blood pressure varies during the course of the day. The pressure goes up during physical exercise, or while doing serious brain work,  or if one is excessively worried. The blood pressure is lowest during sleep. The only reliable way to measure the blood pressure is by using the Sphygmomanometer and the best time to measure the blood pressure is in the morning, shortly after rising. A blood pressure of  135/70mmHg or 140/70mmHg is considere...