There are lots of marketing strategies out there. So why does event marketing stand out to online entrepreneurs? What even is event marketing?? Where do I even begin??? Don’t panic—we've got you. Let’s dive into exactly what event marketing is, what it’s good for, and how to get started. First Things First: What Is Event Marketing? Event marketing uses events to raise awareness, generate leads, and convert customers. Events give your customers the perfect way to directly engage with your brand, product or service. If you’re someone who: Wants to grow your audience Wants to activate a customer population through your network Wants to serve an existing community Is keen to position yourself as a thought leader in your space Is passionate about a particular subject, cause, or product Wants to get yourself out there 🎷 Then event marketing is your jam. 🎷 What Is Event Marketing Good For? Short answer: lead generation, cross-pollination, passive income streams, partnerships...