Anaemia is not a disease. It is a condition in which the number of the healthy red blood cells falls below the normal level in the body. In this condition, blood is lost or destroyed faster than the body can replace it. The red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body. There the oxygen combines with food to release energy that the body needs to function properly. CAUSES Insufficient production of red blood cells. This could be due to a faulty diet, lack of iron in the food, or lack of vitamins C and B. SYMPTOMS 1 Fatigue 2 Shortness of breath 3 Palpitations 4 Insomnia 5 Whitish fingernails 6 General body pains TREATMENT As in diabetes, diet is of vital importance in treating anaemia. 1 Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. 2 Avoid sugar and all sugar products, such as soft drinks and biscuits. 3 Take as much honey as possible. NATURAL REMEDY For a token sum of $31 or N4,95...